Social Media

Social platforms offer an engaging space to share updates, news nad exciting program developments with key stakeholder in your CEO community.

Approved Social Media Profile Logos

Don't Do This

Never use program or tag-line logos for profile photo

legibility issues, especially on mobile

Never use a logo as the cover photo

visually redundant, photo is more interesting

Never off-center your profile photos

align vertically and horizontally in circle

Never use pixellated photos as cover photo

low quality photos communicate low quality


Facebook is where the majority of parents, investors, and board members are most likely to view updates about your program. Its widespread usage makes it an optimal place to share updates around daily class activities.

Facilitators are encouraged to post here 3-5 times per week.


lnstagram is a popular platform where the majority of your CEO Participants (and potential applicants) are most likely to view updates about your CEO Program. This is an excellent platform to use when sharing any news and updates relevant to your CEO Program.

Facilitators are encouraged to post here 3-5 times per week.


Linked In serves as an ideal platform for engaging with investors and parents, while also offering CEO students an environment where they can establish their network of growing professional connections. This platform is an ideal place for CEO Boards to share updates about the program relevant to the professionals in your CEO network.